A JAM Community-Produced Podcast
Senior Solutions’ mission is to promote the well-being and dignity of older adults. Our vision includes providing access to services and programs that provides support to enable every person to age in the place of their choice with the opportunity for meaningful relationships and active engagement with their community. Through the Be Part of the Solution podcast and interview show, we will present programs and interviews to inform and encourage us all to age successfully here in Vermont.
This podcast is made possible by the guidance and technical support of JAM.
Podcast Episode Descriptions
Episode 1: An overview of Senior Solutions and Aging Successfully in Vermont. Brought to you by Jim Collins and Joann Erenhouse for Senior Solutions the Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont.
Edited by David Eric for JAM
A JAM Community-Produced Interview Show
Every episode of Be Part of the Solution is two-pronged: an informative podcast lead by the hosts as well as a visual show where the hosts interview a guest with pertinent information on the topic at hand.
This show is made possible by the guidance and technical support of JAM.