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Calling all local filmmakers!

It’s JAMs 48 Hour Film Slam!

The rules are simple: 

  1. Register to participate in the competition using the form on this page. Registration closes May 17th at 4:59pm.
  2. Attend our launch meeting on May 17th at 5:00pm to receive the prompt, film requirements, and to start the clock!
  3. Starting at 6:00 PM, all contestants will have 48 hours to write, shoot, edit, and export an original short film under 7 minutes.
  4. Films are due at 6:00 PM, May 19th, and can be submitted in person at JAM, or via a google drive link (provided at the launch meeting)
  5. Celebrate! Invite all your friends and that one weird cousin to the final screening where we will show all the films and announce this years winners!

Official prize$ TBA.