JAM's mission is to build community through the media arts.
JAM – Junction Arts & Media (formerly CATV, Community Access Television) is a 501(c)3 community-building organization that enables open public dialogue, expression, and government transparency by providing access to the expanding world of media. JAM serves the towns of Hartford, Hartland and Norwich, VT and Hanover and Lebanon, NH. JAM provides a platform to all residents where they can debate local issues, showcase artistic expression and celebrate school and community happenings. JAM also delivers independent access to local political issues through the recording of government meetings.
Available to View on Cable Television
Upper Valley Channel
- Comcast channel 1075 (formerly channel 10)
- VTel channels 169 & 1169
Government Channel
- Comcast channel 1085 (formerly channel 8)
- VTel channels 170 & 1170
Available to View on the Internet
Streamed Channels
- Both cable TV channels are simultaneously streamed on
- www.uvjam.org through the WATCH NOW section of www.uvjam.org, AND
- on Apple TV and ROKU (Add the “Cable Screenweave” channel to your OTT line-up to watch CATV)
JAM On-Demand
- In the WATCH NOW section of www.uvjam.org
JAM YouTube Channel:
Upper Valley Local Government Meetings Video On-demand Archival Library:
Areas of Coverage
JAM services five vibrant, creative and engaging communities:
- Hanover, NH
- Hartford, VT
- Hartland, VT
- Norwich, VT
- Lebanon, NH (SAU88)