Halloween-o-thon Film Competition Premiere
Join us for our first ever virtual film competition premiere! This Thursday, October 29th at 7 pm, click on this link to enjoy seeing local indie filmmakers’ interpretation of the BAD WITCH in their short films. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82980623448
If you have never used Zoom virtual meetings, first go to Zoom.us to download their free app. Then go to this link to join us for the fun. Also airing live on Comcast channel 1075 and VTel channel 1169, Roku and AppleTV.

Thrill us and chill us by reimagining the BAD WITCH as a scary story element in your original five-minute film.
- How will you interpret this creepy character(s)? How will she add to the evil that befalls your horror story?
- What are her motivations in your story? Sinister, vengeful, murderous, devious, hungry?
- How does she appear? Young, old, beautiful, haggish, or perhaps invisible?
- What makes her formidable? Powers of necromancy, voyeurism, telepathy, seduction?
- Does she have a supernatural familiar? Cat, frog, dog, crow, snake?
This is an opportunity to reimagine. So please no stereotypic green faces and pointy black hats…and good witches need not apply.
Amateur and pro filmmakers alike are invited to participate in this competition. Films entries will be judged in these two categories:
- Middle School / High School
- Adult
Online Registration is now open.
- Monday, October 5th, 4:45 pm – Registration Close Date
- Thursday, October 15th, 6:00 pm – Films are due delivered to CATV Studio (new address) or
- Thursday, October 15th, 11:59 pm – Films are due through a virtual sharing platform (ie Google Drive, Dropbox, etc) to the CATV email address: info@uvjam.org
- Thursday, October 29th, 7 pm – Virtual Competition Premiere (Note: Will vote for the Audience Award during the premiere)
Register online or in-person at the CATV office, 85 N. Main Street, White River Junction, VT by Monday, October 5th. (Note that CATV may have a new home soon so call first before coming by.)
Registration fee is $25 per team, payable by check, cash or credit card.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: He who registers early is a happy filmmaker. Number of entrants is limited, so it is recommended to register early.
No kick-off event this year. Once you have read these instructions, if you still have any questions, please feel free to call CATV at 802.295.6688 or email the office at info@uvjam.org. Remember that October 5th is the last moment for slow pokes to register their team in the competition.
All films must abide by the following:
1. Final film duration limit (five minutes). Film duration starts at the first image or sound of the film.
2. Incorporate the all-important creative reimagining of the evil witch.
3. Cast and crew of your production must be volunteers.
4. Keep it legal, part 1: Entries must be original work of the team and must NOT infringe on other’s work. Copyrighted music is not allowed unless you have approval from the rights owner. Proof of written permission must be shared with final film submission.
5. Keep it legal, part 2: Films may not contain defamatory statements about any person, company, organization or entity; may not invade privacy or other rights of any person, company or entity; may not violate applicable laws & regulations. Be good.
6. Keep it legal, part 3: Talent release forms are the responsibility of team leader and must be available upon request.
7. Note that all submissions will air on CATV television and will be uploaded to our various media libraries (video on-demand, social media platforms, etc). So make sure you have the rights to use all the creative in your film.
8. Keep it PG: This is where it gets tough. We challenge you to make a really good movie that is scary without obscene, indecent, gory, or drug-using content.
9. The final movie you submit must follow the final film submission guidelines (noted below) in size, format and titling.
10. Final film must begin with five seconds of full-screen black, followed by a title card that states:
2020 CATV & HOP Halloween-o-thon
(Name of your film)
(Team name)
Whew! You made it through the rules without glazing over. Bravo!
Deadline for final films is Thursday, October 15th by 6:30 pm if hand delivering to the CATV studio, OR by 11:59 pm if submitting through a virtual sharing platform. Submit your final project in QuickTime file format (.mov) or .mp4 on a hard drive or SD card in person or electronically via a video sharing system such as Google Drive or Dropbox. Send video to info@uvjam.org. The movie file resolution and format should be HD 1920 x 1080. Digital file name must read Your_Film_Name_2020Halloween.mov
Our illustrious judges will award 45 points to Artistic Merit, 30 points to Technical Merit and 25 pts to Adherence to the Assignment.
Judging Rubric (100 points total)
45 points – Artistic Merit
15 points – Content/Plot
Excellent, seamless structure to communicate the story to an uninitiated audience. The message/intent of the film was clear on the first viewing. Excellent dialogue; distinctive and compelling characters
15 points – Creativity
The production displayed independent thought and imagination. The style and concept was novel and distinct
15 points – Entertainment
Excellent overall impression, enjoyment factor, and replay value
30 points – Technical Merit
10 points – Sound/Audio
Audio levels were consistent; clear sound with an absence of distracting noises (buzzes, hums, hisses, etc.). The music selection complemented the story
10 points – Editing
The transitions were seamless and smooth, complementing the continuity of the story
10 points – Cinematography
The film was visually stunning. Lighting, camera movement, angles, and shot selection were excellent.
25 points – Adherence to the Assignment
The team adhered to the competition rules, and the prompt was incorporated creatively to tell/contribute to the story
We’re brewing up a virtual premiere this year to keep you safe. Hope to see you Thursday, October 29th at 7 pm.
Yes, there are awards—woohoo!!! But because of funding issues the cash prizes may not be as generous as in past years. If you have a rich uncle who might like to sponsor some of the cash awards, please tell us!
If you have any burning questions, don’t hesitate to call the alacritous CATV crew at 802.295.6688.
CATV: CATV is a non-profit public access media center in White River Junction, VT that has reach into NH. We are a communication conduit that fosters community connectedness. We help community members harness and apply the power of media so they can examine their diverse perspectives. CATV rocks!
The HOP: This collaboration with the Hopkins Center is part of the HOP’s Community Venture Initiative (CVI), which provides new opportunities for Upper Valley residents of all ages to create, access and explore the arts. CVI builds the Hop’s commitment over its 50-year history, to community-oriented programs involving a strong network of local organizational partners like CATV.