What's Next? Finding a Way Forward

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth has partnered with CATV to make its popular Summer Lecture Series available below for streaming by donation.  In years past, CATV produced DVDs of the Summer Lecture Series for a fee that helped support CATV’s community media mission.  This year, in the interest of the environment and convenience, CATV will stream and broadcast only.  Expect a new lecture every week starting Oct. 4 for six weeks.  The recommended contribution is $15/lecture, but any amount is welcome.  Your donation will support equally both non-profit organizations!

Your donation to support this special series will be contributed equally to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth and CATV, two non-profit organizations that share a commitment to lifelong learning in the Upper Valley and strengthening our civil society.  (You will receive acknowledgement of tax-exempt contributions from both organizations.)

Thank you for your contribution!


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