jam club

JAM Club – Fall 2024 Session

  • Wednesdays, September 18 – November 13
  • 3:30 – 5:30 pm
  • 9 Sessions
  • Registration Fee: $285.00
  • Waiver/assistance available.  Please contact: kate@uvjam.org
  • Grades 5 – 9 (max enrollment 10)

It’s an after-school film and media making club! Join us in the JAM space every Wednesday and connect with other young media makers.

Fall Session will include units on action cinematography, podcasting, animation, and scripted filmmaking.  All equipment will be provided.

animation club

JAM Animation Club – Fall 2024 Session

  • Fridays, September 20 – November 15 – Session is FULL- Sign up to be placed on waitlist
  • 3:30 – 5:30 pm
  • 9 Sessions
  • Registration Fee: $285.00
  • Waiver/assistance available.  Please contact: kate@uvjam.org
  • Grades 5 – 9 (max enrollment 7)

It’s an after-school animation club! Join us in the JAM space every Friday and connect with other young animators.

This club will focus on stop motion and hand drawn animation. Kids will learn the fundamental principals animators use, no prior experience or drawing skills necessary. All equipment will be provided.

Admiab logo

JAM thanks our youth media sponsors Adimab, LLC and the Jane B Cook 1992 Charitable Trust, who make tuition assistance and waivers possible, enabling us to fulfill our mission to empower all voices in our community!

Fall 2024 JAM Club is now accepting registrations!