In a thousand years, will there be music, or will music have to be conjured? (NOTE NEW LOCATION at HOTEL COOLIDGE)
Call it a utopian play — that is forward-looking, proposing something nearly perfect — seeking to be perfect as in the perfection of imagination — which, granted, is not real. Come see it anyway, a soap bubble reflecting the sky!
Original musical play written and directed by Duncan Nichols featuring Kate Magill, Soren Lavoie, Chico Eastridge, Emily Eastridge, Chris Hebb, Chiho Kaneko, WIll Moore, Noor Taher, Neal Meglathery, Henry Nichols, Alden Nichols, Rias Blaas, and Dan Daneen with costumes by Abby Smith, paintings by Antoinette Jacobson, and Dramaturgy by Mike Backman and Nora Jacobson
This event is a fundraiser for DIGS (Doorways Into Good Shelter) digsvt.org. DIGS is a housing organization in Lebanon/Hartford to help directly shelter unhoused people. We will be raising money for two of their small mobile houses — it’s a good cause and needs our support. Pay what you can. For your safety, the audience is asked to wear proper masks. Make plans to come and bring a little of your great energy, it’s a Sunday evening, and not a long show. Get back to your bed early! Help us celebrate the music and the future! Spread the word!